What is going on today

I forgot to post last night, so I am posting this morning.  I had fun with my lil one yesterday.  We didn't do much, but we spent the day together.  I am looking forward to today's activity and that is tubing down the ottertail.  Remind me never again to schedule so many activities in advance before the paycheck comes in.  I have about 46.00 left to my name, but I do have a full tank of gas, and groceries have been bought.  I think I have about 30.00 in foodstamps left.  Tubing is prolly gonna cost about 15.00.   I am sweating it, but i am not going to disappoint my little girl.

Katelin and I went to the ranch today.  We had a lot of fun but were back by 12:30.  I thought maybe I could go back with Alexis sometime and go horseback riding, but holy cow it is 38.00 per person to ride horses.  I guess that could be worth it in the future sometime.  Katelin had to pet every animal she could get her little hands on. They had a dozen or more horses lined up for the day's ride.  She walked down the line and petted every last one.  There was a donkey in the field she wanted to pet, but I told her it had to come to the fence first.  She complained but that donkey was staying put.  She adopted her own horse stuffed toy that she was excited to get because it could babysit her baby my little pony doll called sweety bell.  Wow the responsibilities of the pretend world.  I am thoroughly enjoying my week and am somewhat disappointed that it is half over.

TODAY WAS KATELIN'S BIRTHDAY!!!  Happy Birthday my littlest princess.  Today was another friend's birthday that sometimes goes by princess, but he prefers not to be mentioned.  Anyway we went to the zoo, we saw a snow leopard, we saw tigers, we saw mountain lions, an orangatang...and a few other things I haven't mentioned but I have pictures of most of them.  The one thing I thought was the cutest was the duck in the eagle's nest.  We were walking up to in and Romeo says...that is the representation of an eagle's nest to show how big they are.    So we went up to it, and there was a duck who decided to make his nest in there.  If you look really close in the photo you can see him.  But he made me think....how big of a nest does a duck need.  Then I began to think further...isn't nature teaching us one of life's big lessons?  Go big or go home?  That little duck took our equivalent of a humongus 100 room mansion.  Just made me chuckle.

I just finished another awesome day.  We kind of relaxed all morning, then we had a party for my littlest princess.  Grandma wendy gave her a wooden puzzle and a book full of kittens.  She also made a cute little birthday cake.  Then we took a bunch of pictures for facebook and my websight.  We had fun at the party.  We watched Pocahontas.  Tomorrow is her real birthday, and we are going to the zoo.  I hope to get a bunch of good pictures there.

It is actually Monday morning, but I fell asleep without making an entry.  Yesterday was chalked full of events.  I came back from Rice where I had a wonderful time visiting with Vas and Loki.  Its amazing how the years can mellow people.  I however have been channeling myself from my 20's.  I just have to make sure I behave.  On the way back I learned 2 interesting things.  I saw a sign saying 19 miles to Nimrod.  I just shook my head.  Which came first the town or the derrogatory nickname.  Then I drove past an arrow for a road called Oink Joint Road.  Oink Joint?  could even be pork joint?  Who comes up with these names.  I picked up my girls last night, and I was downloading songs onto my kindle for the various trips I am making this week.  When a police officer knocked on our door and said that there was an active fire in our building on the third floor(I am on the garden level.)  Me and my slightly frightened girls made our way outside.  The girls kept saying they were scared, but Lexy took off to play with the other children from the building and Katelin and I started Jamming out to the songs I had just download.  She was actually dancing.  Well after a half hour we came back into the house and I put the girls to bed.  Life is exactly what happens when you are looking the other way.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!