What is going on today

TODAY WAS KATELIN'S BIRTHDAY!!!  Happy Birthday my littlest princess.  Today was another friend's birthday that sometimes goes by princess, but he prefers not to be mentioned.  Anyway we went to the zoo, we saw a snow leopard, we saw tigers, we saw mountain lions, an orangatang...and a few other things I haven't mentioned but I have pictures of most of them.  The one thing I thought was the cutest was the duck in the eagle's nest.  We were walking up to in and Romeo says...that is the representation of an eagle's nest to show how big they are.    So we went up to it, and there was a duck who decided to make his nest in there.  If you look really close in the photo you can see him.  But he made me think....how big of a nest does a duck need.  Then I began to think further...isn't nature teaching us one of life's big lessons?  Go big or go home?  That little duck took our equivalent of a humongus 100 room mansion.  Just made me chuckle.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!