Living on Pluto

This is a story I have been thinking about writing for a while now.  I hadn't written a story since high school, so I admit it is a little rough.  I had originally thought of writing it myself, then handing it to my brother to be perfected, but after some consideration I thought better of the idea.  I think the story is starting to come out exactly the way I wish it to.  Its going to address some political issues and give ideas that not many people have thought of.  Maybe even rewriting some institutions that have been in place since the dawn of time.


Side note: When you get to the bottom of the page click overview to see the later chapters.

Cassandra gently tapped her foot against the headboard of her bed.  "No Julie, I think I want a big wedding.  I want to feel like a princess with diamonds and glitter everywhere, and everyone coming to my beck and call.

Julie threw a pillow at her friend.  "I won't come to your beck and call.  Besides you're talking about being a bride , not a queen."

Cassandra giggled, "But you would have to, you would be my maid of honor, it could never be anyone else."

"Maid of honor means I boss all the bridesmaids around."

Cassandra gave a thoughtful look.  "That'll work." She finally replied.

Julie grabbed another pillow and hugged it close, and got a dreamy look in her eye.  I can't wait to grow up and meet the man of my dreams.  He's going to be tall, and have dark curly hair.  He's going to have a smile that could light up a room.  He's going to make me laugh, and he is going to worship the ground I walk on.  Oh and he's going to be rich!"

Cassandra laughed.  "I don't care if I marry a rich guy.  My guy is going to be tough and rugged.  He is going to travel the world with me by his side.  We are going to go to so many exciting adventures together."

Julie gave Cassandra puppy dog eyes. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll send you a post card."

Julie gave her friend a serious look.  "And no matter what happens we will always be best friends and stick together."

I'd have it no other way."

The two girls gave each other an impulsive hug.

Cheers and congradulations filled the air as David and Cassandra stepped out of the church.  She was dressed in a long gown that was full of embroidery and lots and lots of sparkle.  She outshown everything around her even in the bright afternoon sunlight.  Her glowing smile greeted her friends and relatives surrounding her.

Steve and Jule stepped out out of the church behind them.  Julie was wearing a sapphire bridesmaid's gown that sparkled almost as much as the wedding dress.  She gave Julie a warm hug.  "I hope you and David will be as happy as Steve and I are."  Steve walked up behind Julie and placed his hands on her hips.  She flashed him a loving smile.

"Its time to go,"  David urged as he began to pull Cassandra forward.

"I'll meet you at the reception!"  she called behind her.

"Franky sweety, can you please stop coloring on the walls,"  asked Julie as she started to waddle toward her 3-year-old.

"No honey I got this one,"  interrupted Cassandra as she stood up and moved toward where two little boys were playing, one of them holding a red crayon and grinning.  "You have to take it easy, that kid is ready to come any time.

"Thanks,"  Julie answered in relief.  "Its nap time anyway.....Oh My!"

"What?"  Cassandra glances over in concern.

"I think its time."

"That figures, I come over for coffee and I wind up taking you to the hospital."  She calls to the little boys,  "Come on Franky, Johnny time to go."

"Aww mom do we have to?  Franky and I are having too much fun."

"Yes sweety, we have to take Aunt Julie to the hospital.  Don't worry Franky will be coming with us."

Cassandra reaches into the closet and grabs the suitcase she knew Julie had had packed for a while now.  "I'll call David on the way."

"Don't bother," Julie responded.  "He's in Reno on business.  Probably having fun with one of his little tarts."

Everyone rushes out the door and into a mini-van.


The next day Julie was sitting in her hospital bed with a smile that could never stop.  He hair was discheveled, her hospital gown was wrinkled, but the only thing she cared about was the tiny little bundle sleeping comfortably in her arms.

"Rose is a beautiful name Julie,"  Cassandra said with a touch of awe in her voice as she watched the mother and child. 

"I've always wanted a girl," Julie explained, "and I consider her my beautiful little flower."

"Did you get a hold of David?"

"Yeah, he said he is on his way."  Julie shook her head slightly.  "I could hear one of his little tramps talking to him in the background."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Longer than I want to think about."

"Why do you stay with him?"

"He's given me two wonderful children, and what can I do, I did say till death do us part."

There was a gentle knock on the door.  Cassandra, got up, walked over to the door and opened it just a crack.  "Is Julie Alexander here," came the gruff voice from the other side.  Cassandra backed up a step and allowed a police officer to enter the room.  "Are you Julie Alexander?" he asked as he approached the bed.

"Y...Yes I am," stammered Julie.

"I am here to serve you papers," he said handing her a manilla envelope.  She gave him a bewildered look.  He tipped his hat to her and said,  "Have a good day mam and congradulations."  He turned and briskley exited the room.

Julie wordlessly offered the baby to Cassandra, who gladly took her.  Ice gripped her chest as she looked over the envelope.  Her hand shook as she opened it and pulled out the papers.  She was too distracted to read what was on the papers, but she did catch Plaintiff: David Alexander  Defendant: Julie Alexander and she did catch the word divorce in the text.

"NO," she cried, "no no no no this can't be!"

A nurse quietly entered the room.  "Is everything ok?" she asked as Julie continued to sob.

Cassandra handed Rose to the nurse, "could you please take the baby top the nursery?"

The nurse took the baby and swiftly exited the room.

Cassandra approached her friend with a concerned look on her face.  "What is the matter sweety?"

Julie continued to sob as she handed the papers to Cassandra.  She glanced over them then fire flashed through her eyes.  "Of all the nerve!"  she exclaimed,  "You just gave birth to his child."

Julie started crying harder then suddenly stopped.  "Franky!" she exclaimed.

Cassandra looked puzzled for a second, then it dawned on her.

"Go get him!"  Julie cried.  "Go get him before David can.  I will call my mom and let her know."

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!