What is going on today

Well today IS my 7th wedding anniversary.  The divorce isn't yet finalized so it still is not a would have been.  I have been wondering how I would feel today.  My official reaction is that I have no reaction.  It doesn't feel special.  It doesn't feel awful.  It just feels like another day.  I wished Leon a happy anniversary and he gave me a look like why did I do that.  I just laughed.  No big deal.  I just wanted to fuck with him a little bit.  Then I told him straight out it felt like any other day.  Its kind of weird.  A woman at work was talking about remembering the anniversary of her first husband.  I can't even remember the wedding anniversary for numbnuts.  I think I will forget this one with time as well.

Today was an interesting day.  i had my girls for most of the day.  We just kind of lazed around the house.  The I took my girls home.  Today was the Wanderer's birthday.  I tried to call him to wish him an happy birthday but was unable to reach him.  This doesn't bode well for his week off.  Is he going to be impossible to get a hold of.  I am waiting to see if I will even once be able to talk to him when he isn't driving.  I have a big feeling the answer is no.  We will see how I feel once this week is over.

Yesterday was prtetty busy, so I was pretty exhausted by the end of it.  That is why I am playing catch up today.  We went to my mom's for brunch.  Then th Kinght came over here and had the girls help cook pasta.  It was a lot of fun.  The pasta didn't quite turn out right, but it was a lot of fun cooling it.  The girls loved the Knight.  Today I get most of the day with the girls because the Christian is working and his parents are out of town, so they don't have to go to church.  I can't wait till the divorce is finallized so I can pick up the gauntlet and fight the fight for my girls's religious rights.

My Friday went well, but everyone else's sucked.  The Wanderer was supposed to have tonight off of work, but they failed to get him home last night.  I spent a lot of the night letting him vent.  Also yesterday morning I found out one her daughters' boyfriends disrespected Simi.  Ah Simi my sweet, no one should disrespect you, especially a young pipsqueak half your age.  I am starting to lean more towards wicca.  If there is a god why can't there be several.  Besides I feel that if there is a god worth our worship it would be the lords and ladies of the wiccan faith.  They encourage peace and love, not bigotry and hate.  I have not yet made up my mind on this issue, I think I will wait till I get a chance to circle.

My path through the singles life has been the craziest twisted path there is.  I was wondering back and forth not really feeling like I belonged anywhere, now my mindset is changing.  I still don't feel the acceptance, but my desire for acceptance is waning.  Wait a minute...I am repeating myself from yesterday. lol.  Ok cute story.  I was laying in my bed the other night with the lights off when I noticed bright spots on the floor.  I turned on the lights and I saw nothing on the floor.  I was think..ok that's weird.  I turned the lights off and the bright spots were back.  Then I remembered that we had used glow in the dark glitter glue in a project last weekend.  Thank you my lil mischievious fairies for making an invisible mess and giving mommy a starry floor!!


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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!