What is going on today

My family came over for dinner today.  We had beef strogganoff and pink lemonade cheesecake.  We seriously were in heaven.  I found out that my mom finally took the step to deny christianity.  She now considers herself an agnostic.  I came up with an idea today.  If you follow my blog at all you would know that my family gets into interesting discussions on various topics from religion to politics.  I think it would be cool to videotape various round-table discussions that I have with my mom and brother.  I think it would be very interesting.

I am currently relaxing after an enjoyable evening with my 10 year old daughter Alexis.  I picked her up at her dad's house after work.  We started by going grocery shopping.  I usually hate grocery shopping, but I enjoy going when Alexis is along.  She helps me pick out food, and she does personally get involved in the shopping.  We brought the groceries home, then we went out to eat at Paradiso.  We sat in the room with the fountain.  Alexis had never been to Paradiso, so she was wide eyed and looking around at all the details.  She had fried ice cream for dessert.  My dessert was pure heaven.  It was called Flann.  It was a custard that was drenched in caramel.  I think I would go back there a hundred times just for the Flan.  When we got home, Alexis and I got busy backing pink lemonade cheesecakes.  I can't wait to taste the final results after they have chilled overnight.  One thing for certain...licking the bowl was better than sex.  OMG I swear I was having a mouthgasm with every scrape of the spatula.  Just for the hell of it I think I will post the recipe....also this way I can be sure to find it again.

What to write about?  My day today was pretty typical.  I get paid tomorrow, I should have a few extra dollars which should be nice.  Alexis helped me plan the menu and the shopping list.  My little girl is growing up so fast.  She is 10 years old and understanding more and more every day.  I am so proud of her.  Hopefully I can teach her enough to run a household by the time she grows up.  She already knows better how to plan a menu and shopping trip (bargain shopping included) than half the adults I know.  I keep wondering if she is going to have oldest, or middle child syndrome.  I think she is going to have a strong tendancy toward oldest child.  She is getting to be very responsible and independant.

I don't know what to think of my friends at this time.  What happens when I no longer need a shoulder to cry on?  I know I have been a shoulder for some of my friends.  Right now it seems like its a time in my life where I am between shoulders.  You would think my friends would be more anxious to talk to me because I have moxtly happy things to say.  Now it doesn't seem so.  I can't seem to raise anyone on the phone anymore besides my mom.  I love you  mom but who wants to talk to their mom and brothers every day?  The Wanderer is on vacation, so he doesn't need company in his truck.  It seems I have become so choosy in the friends that I keep in contact with on the phone, that I have left it down to a few, that don't pick me.

I have about a dozen different topics to talk about today.  I think I will talk about the one that may be the most interesting.  My uncle Elroy made a general comment about Atheism vs christianity.  He pointed out that he had atheists on his friends list and that he wanted them to respect his beliefs as well.  I sent him a personal message telling him that I had not meant to offend if he meant me and that I would understand if he unfriended me.  Then I discovered what he was referring to.  I had to admit when I saw it, that I had gone too far.  It was a share I had done of a billboard that likened religion to a penis.  When I saw it I chuckled and not even thinking about it hit the like/share.  He had commented that he got the point that we didn't want christianity shoved down our throats, but he asked to be given the same respect.  My mom and brother jumped to my defense, but I added my comment that he was right.  I had gone too far.  After stewing over it my entire work day, I came back and posted a response.  It wasn't an apology, it was a promise that I would tone down my posts/shares and avoid direct offense and vulgarity.  This was a bitter pill I swallowed today, but when I looked at that share through my uncle's eyes, I could see his point.  Yes I may be bitter against christianity, but I am not bitter against any specific christians.  So why should I thoughtlessly be THAT offensive.  I made it clear that I wasn't going to stop sharing anti-christian sentiments, but I was going to reign it in a bit and not be quite that offensive.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!