I have about a dozen different topics to talk about today. I think I will talk about the one that may be the most interesting. My uncle Elroy made a general comment about Atheism vs christianity. He pointed out that he had atheists
on his friends list and that he wanted them to respect his beliefs as well. I sent him a personal message telling him that I had not meant to offend if he meant me and that I would understand if he unfriended me. Then I discovered what he was referring
to. I had to admit when I saw it, that I had gone too far. It was a share I had done of a billboard that likened religion to a penis. When I saw it I chuckled and not even thinking about it hit the like/share. He had commented that
he got the point that we didn't want christianity shoved down our throats, but he asked to be given the same respect. My mom and brother jumped to my defense, but I added my comment that he was right. I had gone too far. After stewing over
it my entire work day, I came back and posted a response. It wasn't an apology, it was a promise that I would tone down my posts/shares and avoid direct offense and vulgarity. This was a bitter pill I swallowed today, but when I looked at that
share through my uncle's eyes, I could see his point. Yes I may be bitter against christianity, but I am not bitter against any specific christians. So why should I thoughtlessly be THAT offensive. I made it clear that I wasn't going to stop
sharing anti-christian sentiments, but I was going to reign it in a bit and not be quite that offensive.