What is going on today

I was thinking tonight about how thoroughly shitty my life has been. I am not saying this because I am looking for sympathy, I am saying this because my life has been just like a really bad comedy.  Someone should definitely have fired THAT writer.  I was physically and mentally abused as a young child.  I was misunderstood and micromanaged and mistreated as a teenager.  I had a few fun years in college. Then I was emotionally abused and constantly cheated on in my first marriage.  Then I was stalked and scared witless by him.  Then in my second marriage I was squashed, and rejected and backstabbed.  Can't a girl catch a break in this world. Through all of this I still manage to stay a cheerful and good hearted person. I wonder why I am having trouble accepting being treated right. 

November seems to be going soooo slow.   Is it because of looking forward to the holidays?   Is it because there should be more snow? I don't know what it is. Work at home sounds like it will start any week now.   I wonder how that will work?   I am definitely looking forward to it.  My life has changed so much in the last year. If someone would have told me what it would be like this time last year, I would have definitely kicked her ass out. 

If you haven't guessed by now, I have given up on the daily blog. Now I try to do it every day, but if I miss, its not a big deal.   I debated whether or not to put "For" on this one because it is currently 3:46am so Sunday hasn't really started yet.    Well whatever.  I think my relationship with Angel is officially our of the honeymoon phase. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.  Since we just started August 29th and it is November 15th.  We have only been together for 2 1/2 months. It seems we are racing through the different steps of the relationship.   I just hope we are racing toward fulfillment instead of destruction. 

I am actually doing a blog on the day it is meant for. We met with the Atheists today at their weekly meet and greet. We are had an interesting discussion about comedians in regards to gender, societal norms and what causes a person to be funny or to think something is funny. One interesting thing that was brought up, is that the more attractive someone is, the harder it is to make it as a comedian. Just a little food for thought. 

Yesterday was another day of same old same old. It was pretty warm for most of the day. I really hope this winter doesn't turn into late and long. I have a feeling it will be just as long only starting later.  By the time it's over everyone will have forgotten how late it started and feel its been long. I start my stop smoking coach tonight.   Wish me luck on truly quitting this time. 

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!