What is going on today

I thought it interesting that I kept running into conversations on same sex marriage...especially with the story I am in the process of writing, then my brother picked up the rock I was apparently hiding under and told me about DOMA (Defense Of Marriage Act).  Well that turned the situation upside down.  It's more interesting that I was writing Living on Pluto when I wasn't aware that DOMA was being debated.  When I found that out I jumped in with both feet.  I got right up on my soap box and posted:


Same sex marriage does not threaten the institute of marriage. If 2 people truly love each other and truly want to be commited to each other "till death do us part" then they should be able to share in the legal priviledges of marriage. What demoralizes and threatens the insititute of marriage are the hypocrates who marry and divorce on a whim. Like in Jurassic Park "I am always on the hunt for a future ex-Mrs. Malcom." I see so many people who seem to treat marriage as another form of dating....that is what makes me sick.


Okay so yes the secret about what my story is about is now out in the open with my latest chapter.  Living on Pluto is discussing the idea of a same sex platonic (pluto) marriage between 2 women who are not gay.  So everyone is clear:  I am not gay, and I don't have any female friends I would trust enough to enter into a platonic marriage with.  It is mainly discussing the topic.  My brothers, mom and I were discussing the topic one day when the platonic form hit me.  Why does marriage have to be based on sex?  Now don't get me wrong, I am the most loyal person there is when in a relationship.  But why does marriage have to be based on sex?  I feel it should be based on love, commitment, respect, and desire to spend time together does help.  The sexual part is just a bonus.  I think it could be highly possible for 2 people who are not sexually attracted to each other to have all the elements to create a happy marriage.  Okay now I am starting to repeat myself.  Read the book.  I find that I write poetry and fiction much better that I write or talk about my feelings.

I'm not sure what to talk about today, so I decided to start typing and see what came to mind.  I just got off of the phone with Romeo.  I was setting some interesting boundaries.  I found out that he read my blog and knows he is Romeo.  He wasn't angry, but for some odd reason he started getting protective of me, especially in reference to Father.  Romeo is a pretty interesting fellow, him and I were once roommates on Pluto.(For those of you who haven't figured out Gwenspeak, it means it stayed Platonic) He has been a friend for very many years.  I also friended the most interesting person on facebook.....my first ex-husband's girlfriend.  She has become a very zen and peaceful person.  She has long since dumped numbnuts and gone on with her life.  I had a very pleasant conversation with her.  I think this is the one final proof that I have gone back to the person I was before I married numbnuts.  I think I like who I am becoming.  You know how some people say if I knew then what I know now......I feel like I am becoming a mixture of that young peaceful me with a little more wisdom.

What have I been doing today?  I have been so excitedly writing my new book, I haven't written any poetry in a couple days.  Sorry guys, it seems the number of hits I was getting is falling as well.  Is everyone saying I am a better poet than a story writer?  I will have to agree I probably am.  When my story gets to where it is going you will see how mindblowing the idea is.

What else have I been doing today?  I have been watching a lot of JaclynG.  My brother Dante introduced her to me, and I can't get enough.  In fact, I will probably link a couple more of my favorites at the end of this entry.  I did a silly thing the other day and I posted my blog address on my facebook page so anyone and everyone can visit this sight if they want to.  Is this going to cause me to change what I say?  No.  Am I scared and nervous?  A little bit.  But I made my bed I am going to lie in.  I'm feeling a little bit like an exhibitionist.  With as personal as some of my blogs and poems have gotten.  I guess it is.  One more thing:  none of the scenes or characters in my story are based on my life.  One of the situations is based on a coworker...that is as close as it gets to me.

Okay 2 links for JaclynG...one about religion, and one about a hypocrite.

(don't forget to click on "open new window" link



I am so excited about all the things going on.  I decided to share my story I am writing while I am writing it.  The situation in the story where she is served papers right after giving birth to his child is real.  It happened to a coworker.  Even though my situation is pretty bad, I felt her was a bit worse.  I can't wait to get this story written you will love it!!!  It will surprise you all!

I still hate Sunday's.  I spent most of today writing.  Also I am visiting Vas weekend after next.  I can't wait!!!!!!  Then 2 days after that my littlest princess turns 6.   I am going to bring her to the Wahpeton Zoo.  I can't wait!  Alright it is pretty late especially since I wound up typing up chapter 7 of Living on Pluto twice.  Catch all of you tomorrow.

I just checked the number of visits to my sight and I have now reached 502.  I can't believe it, in one week this sight has been up I have had over 500 hits.  There was a time when I thought that no one that wasn't family even realized I existed.  When I was in the hospital on January 9th because I had tried to commit suicide because that monday my husband I had been with for 11 years told me he wanted a divorce, my psychiatrist asked me, "Do you have anyone you can talk to?"  My response to him was "no"  When I got home I desperately wanted to find someone to talk to that I wouldn't worry like I would my mom.  I wound up getting on to facebook and I got in touch with some of my oldest and dearest friends.  Thanks to you I am almost back to the old me.  Not the old me that I was before the d word was mentioned.  Not the old me from before I married the Christian.  No, the old me from before I married numbnuts.  The guy who did things that "No worries Gwen will forgive me" for.  Only wiser.  I wanted to thank you all for the love and support you have given me through this awful situation.  If it weren't for all of you I think I would have been commited right now, not the readjusted person that I am who is confidentally watching over myself and my girls.

Latest comments

01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!