I thought it interesting that I kept running into conversations on same sex marriage...especially with the story I am in the process of writing, then my brother picked up the rock I was apparently hiding under and told me about DOMA (Defense Of Marriage
Act). Well that turned the situation upside down. It's more interesting that I was writing Living on Pluto when I wasn't aware that DOMA was being debated. When I found that out I jumped in
with both feet. I got right up on my soap box and posted:
Same sex marriage does not threaten the institute of marriage. If 2 people truly love each other and truly want to be commited to each other
"till death do us part" then they should be able to share in the legal priviledges of marriage. What demoralizes and threatens the insititute of marriage are the hypocrates who marry and divorce on a whim. Like in Jurassic Park "I am always on the hunt for
a future ex-Mrs. Malcom." I see so many people who seem to treat marriage as another form of dating....that is what makes me sick.
Okay so yes the secret about what my story is about is now out in
the open with my latest chapter. Living on Pluto is discussing the idea of a same sex platonic (pluto) marriage between 2 women who are not gay. So everyone is clear: I am not gay, and I don't
have any female friends I would trust enough to enter into a platonic marriage with. It is mainly discussing the topic. My brothers, mom and I were discussing the topic one day when the platonic form hit me. Why does marriage have to be based
on sex? Now don't get me wrong, I am the most loyal person there is when in a relationship. But why does marriage have to be based on sex? I feel it should be based on love, commitment, respect, and desire to spend time together does help.
The sexual part is just a bonus. I think it could be highly possible for 2 people who are not sexually attracted to each other to have all the elements to create a happy marriage. Okay now I am starting to repeat myself. Read the book.
I find that I write poetry and fiction much better that I write or talk about my feelings.