As I run through the meadow of no wait that isn't quite right. As I stumble over the gravel of life....hmmm not quite right either. As I waid through the mudpit of life....almost there. As I wade through the swamp of life
I have to laugh. Life is not meant to be easy. I have been extremely happy for the last week and a half. I think that is due to the daily conversations I have been having with The Wanderer. I enjoy keeping him company as he makes his
road trips. Some of our conversations have gotten deeply personal. Some have been hilariously funny, yet others have been..... you get the idea. I had contemplated breaking off contact with Romeo because it seems he was getting just a little
too emotionally invested and I didn't want anyone to get hurt. He seems to have done that himself. I did not intentionally ignore him on facebook, but he did truthfully say hi last time just as I was getting ready to shut down my computer and go
to bed. I am hoping to talk more to the Knight pretty soon. I think I will keep that relationship strictly friendship. Wow for a person who doesn't care for drama, I seem to be balancing a lot of things.