What is going on today

As I run through the meadow of life....no no wait that isn't quite right.  As I stumble over the gravel of life....hmmm not quite right either.  As I waid through the mudpit of life....almost there.  As I wade through the swamp of life I have to laugh.  Life is not meant to be easy.  I have been extremely happy for the last week and a half.  I think that is due to the daily conversations I have been having with The Wanderer.  I enjoy keeping him company as he makes his road trips.  Some of our conversations have gotten deeply personal.  Some have been hilariously funny, yet others have been..... you get the idea.  I had contemplated breaking off contact with Romeo because it seems he was getting just a little too emotionally invested and I didn't want anyone to get hurt.  He seems to have done that himself.  I did not intentionally ignore him on facebook, but he did truthfully say hi last time just as I was getting ready to shut down my computer and go to bed.  I am hoping to talk more to the Knight pretty soon.  I think I will keep that relationship strictly friendship.  Wow for a person who doesn't care for drama, I seem to be balancing a lot of things.

I am in a silly mood today.  Don't ask me why.  I am still talking to the wanderer daily.  I enjoy keeping me company while he is on the road and he helps me forget that I am alone in my apartment.  I have not yet gotten a chance to see him yet which is perfectly fine.  I know all will come in good time.  I found out that the BSB got chewed out because I complained about her letting Katelin go to the park with only Alexis for supervision.  Alexis is a sweetheart and very responsible but she is only 10 and my 6 year old Katelin tends to be uncooperative and has the ability to kick Lexy's ass.  We try to curb that tendancy but it has to do with Lexy being so thin a stiff wind would blow her away, and Katelin has a basic build like mine...broad shouldered and big boned.

This is the actual one I was trying to find that one day. It finally resurfaced in shares.

I was reading through my facebook newsfeed today and I caught a small 2 sentence feed from an old friend of mine.  He was talking about waiting for a bus for 3 hours after seeing his son for 40 minutes.  We'll call this one the Knight.  Truth be told no one else deserves that nickname more.  He has a history with sca and is working to make his own chain mail shirt.  So the Knight it is.  He was happy to see him for 40 minutes and I just had to shake my head.  It almost makes me feel guilty about how badly I was feeling that one day for giving up my girls for one day.  It also makes me so angry at the various women doing this to my male friends.  The Poet only sees his for about 2 days every 2 weeks. The Knight sees his maybe twice a year.  What is it with the court systems?  Do they feel the fathers unnecessary or less necessary?  Fathers are just as necessary as mothers and have just as many feelings.  I think it is horrible how typical visitation is set up for most divorces.

I just got done watching a live feed with Steve Shives and about a half a dozen other Atheists that were invited into an open discussion with a christian talking about beliefs.  It was a pretty interesting discussion.  In the end the christian could not prove his points with anything more than faith.  So he had to agree with the rest to disagree.  His big question for the invitation was why should he be an Atheist?  In closing a lot of the Atheists told him he should not be one because he had faith in his religion.  Then he got all preachy and told the Atheists that they should consider the teachings of the bible.  I consider myself a thoughtful agnostic...I officially don't know because nothing can be proven on either side for the existence of God, and I reject faith as a proof.  I truly believe in harm none do as you will.  That means that you are welcome to your beliefs of God and I won't critisize you for believing them.  Every person has their own thoughts on religion, it gives them comfort and purpose to life.  I just request that they respect my lack and don't critisize me for not believing.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!