What is going on today

My sweety who was only here for work, is now talking about moving here for me.  It just blows my mind, with all his options out there, he picks me.  Life continues to be very very good for me.  Another effect that this whole thing has made for me, is that I finally feel like I belong somewhere.  I no longer feel like I am on the outside looking in on my own life.  I am actually living it and very thoroughly enjoying my life.  My sweety says he will do everything that he is able to to improve my life.   You know how I said that actions speak louder than words.  Well his actions have been shouting so loudly I almost need earplugs.  I think its about time that I close my eyes relax and enjoy.

I am thinking of exploring new territory.  I may allow my sweeties to place a tattoo on my back.  I already have it imagined on how I want it to look and how I want it placed.  I am just wondering if he can capture it on how I am thinking of it.  I have shown him a bunch of images of bits and pieces of how I would want it to go.  I am thinking of having it be a dragon in mid-attack as its coming down towards its prey.  I think that would be pretty cool.

Today was a day of because of the new man responses from others.  I thought twice about calling the father-in-law about fixing my car, because my sweety is a mechanic.  His tools aren't around though which makes things slightly difficult.  Also Leon did not even think to offer to deliver my laundry, I had to run over and get it.  interesting thoughts and reactions.  My sweety is worth any and every possible inconvenience I may run into because of him.  He still manages to keep the biggest smile on my face.

My sweety can't seam to get enough of singing my praises.  He also wants to improve my life.  He's talking about paying for an upgrade on my phone.  I spend a lot of time trying to pay for things before he can get a chance to.  He keeps trying to hand me random cash.  I constantly have  a smile on my face.  I have to talk to Dante' about a subject for honestly mom that I think may be good.  Its about questionable practices of other cultures.  My life has not turned into a monotony but I really haven't had a lot of new stuff to report lately, probably because my thoughts are constantly wrapped around my new sweety.

ooooh Friday the 13th how freaky!!!  My day was awesome.  I am finding more new and wonderful things about him daily.  He tries his hardest to spoil me as much as he can.  It is hard to describe the feeling I get when I am with him.  It is more powerful and wonderful than anyone else I have ever been with.  The girls adore him.  I still keep wondering if he is too good to be true.  We have grown so close so fast.  We are so comfortable together its almost like we have been together forever.  He is a very very strong man.  He shows me more respect and loyalty than anyone ever has.

Latest comments

01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!