My Poetry

Can I forgive you for my broken heart?
Pushing me away, making me restart

Can I forget that I was betrayed?
It was supposed to be forever, yet you strayed.

Can I forgive the tears on my children's faces?
Their loyalty is divided. They don't know their places?

Can I forgive the sins of my best friend?
She wanted what I had. She got you in the end.

I can forgive you for my broken heart.
If you were not happy, it's best we're apart.

I can forget that I was betrayed.
The girls need us stable, not constantly swayed.

I can wash away my children's tears.
Telling them they're loved, answering their fears.

I will never forgive the sins of my friend.
I helped her out. She betrayed me in the end.
Gwen Hamner
The Christian came with all of his might
Cast her out like a plague one night
Cruel was he, with out mercy or measure
Threw away years for his own pleasure

Along came the Romeo to comfort her fears
Holding her close, drying her tears
She knew he had fierce ardor and amore
The key to his heart never held by one always more

Also came the Father from afar in the night
He offered to comfort her in her terrible plight
She knew of his lady and kids left at home
The lady, he said, allowed him to roam

The Poet was first and also the last
He was the one who could change tears to a laugh
She connected with him, he held a place in her heart
But children for both kept them far apart

She knew she needed more inner strength
Keeping all of these gentlemen at a long arms-length
She yearned for the poet, yet it wasn't the time
She still had a mountain of healing to climb
Gwen Hamner
The candle stands alone on the shelf.
It will never stop burning. It will never melt.
Lit by a love started long ago
Strengthened by virtues he continues to show
Events from before are hard to find
So recent connections are what opens my mind
Gwen Hamner
White balloon flying high
Filled with my wonder
Filled with my why
Should I give it to the gentle breeze
It may go away
It may come to me
Should I prick it with a little pin
No more questions to ask
No more favor to win
For now I'll hang on to the string
Giving time to consider
Giving time to think
Gwen Hamner
The music of the flute is sweet and light
Like little fairies dancing with delight
Light and cheerful it makes my heart soar
But it is not my favorite music in the world.

The violin strikes a powerful note
Going straight for my heart as its story unfolds
Its drama and wonder make tears fall by the score
But it is not my favorite music in the world.

The horn is jazzy with a frenzied beat
With a music that fills you and moves your feet
With dancing and fun going beyond words
But it is not my favorite music in the world.

The most beautiful music in the world
Is way beyond instruments, way beyond words
It makes me weep for joy and fills my heart with love
It is better than anything one can dream of

Its when my little girls say, "I love you too mommy."
Gwen Hamner

Latest comments

01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!