My Poetry

The Christian came with all of his might
Cast her out like a plague one night
Cruel was he, with out mercy or measure
Threw away years for his own pleasure

Along came the Romeo to comfort her fears
Holding her close, drying her tears
She knew he had fierce ardor and amore
The key to his heart never held by one always more

Also came the Father from afar in the night
He offered to comfort her in her terrible plight
She knew of his lady and kids left at home
The lady, he said, allowed him to roam

The Poet was first and also the last
He was the one who could change tears to a laugh
She connected with him, he held a place in her heart
But children for both kept them far apart

She knew she needed more inner strength
Keeping all of these gentlemen at a long arms-length
She yearned for the poet, yet it wasn't the time
She still had a mountain of healing to climb
Gwen Hamner

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!