Cassandra was glad to see the U-Haul was gone when she parked in front of Julie's house that evening. The power company had told Julie that they could have her power back on by the next day. Cassandra braced herself as she unlocked the front
door and walked in.
The place looked like a hurricane went through it. Not a stick of furniture was to be seen, but there were papers and various garbage littering the floor. She walked into the kitchen. Almost every cupboard
door was open, all of the shelves were bare. She opened the refrigerator, it was still stocked with food. As she wandered through empty room after empty room, she almost felt the emptiness that Julie would feel when she saw her home in this condition.
She swore to herself she would not let that happen. Julie was going through enough. As she walked into the nursery upstairs, it seemed out of place to find it fully furnished. She guessed that since David didn't have ready access to the baby
he would have no use for the baby's stuff. She walked into the master bedroom, which was empty except for Julie's clothes scattered across the floor, dresses hung up in the closet. "At least he left her her clothes," Cassandra said to herself.
She grabbed a large empty box she had seen in the hall, and packed some of Julie's clothes, and some stuff for the baby.
She carried the box out to the car, and came back for the bassonette she had seen in the nursery. As she sat in her car
she called her mom and Julie's mom, explaining the condition of Julie's house. Both ladies agreed they would help get her house back to being a home. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she considered the amount of pain this would cause her