Julie felt comforted by the familiar surroundings of Cassandra's home. Johnny and Franky were playing up in Johnny's room. She smiled as she thought about how Franky thought this was all an adventure. She looked lovingly at the precious
little baby girl in her arms. She tried not to think about the fact that at three days old, she has yet to meet her father. She was so small and perfect with those miniscule little fingers clinging to her giant finger. Those little fingernails
were so unbelievably tiny. Rose looked so peaceful sleeping in her arms. She envied the baby, not having a care or worry in the world. She silently swore to protect this baby from all possible harm that she could.
She worried over
Cassandra. She had told her that David took pretty much everything, but she absolutely refused to let her see her home or help fix it up. She was thankful that her friend spared her more pain then she already felt. She still couldn't believe
this was happening, it all seemed so surreal. She considered the fact that he had been cheating for years. She was definately better off without him. That fact did not lessen the sting that was inflicted by the complete rejection of divorce,
especially in this special time that should be bringing a couple together. She remembered how happy they were when Franky was born. David didn't go on any "business trips" for at least a month. She shook her head. She has been a fool.
She heard the front door open as Cassandra came home. "How goes my house?" Julie asked as Cassandra entered the room.
"I think it will be ready for you to go home tomorrow night"
A glimpse of sorrow crossed Julie's face as she considered
being in an empty house alone with her children.
"Of course you are welcome to remain here as long as you want to sweety."
"No, I need to go home and pick up the shambles of my life."
"You want me and Johnny to stay over a night or two?"
"That's okay," Julie said, "We'll be fine."
"Whatever you wish sweety! I'm going to go make supper."
She walked out into the kitchen. Julie could here the sounds of pots and pans.
A short while later Steven came down the
stairs. He completely ignored Julie and went straight into the kitchen. She heard him shout, "Why isn't my dinner ready yet?"
Concerned, Julie laid Rose gently in the bassinet and began to approach the kitchen quietly.
"Sorry Steve,
but I was working on Julie's house all day."
"I don't see why you are getting in the middle of her business. You should just stay out of it!"
"She's my friend, Steve, my longest and deepest friend. Something you obviously wouldn't
Julie could see Steve lift his hand and Cassandra flinch back. Then Steve struck her hard across the face.
Julie stepped into the kitchen. "What are you doing Steve?" she asked as she got into his face. She could
smell the sour scent of whiskey on his breath.
"JULIE NO!" Cassandra cried, grabbing Julie's arm and trying to pull her back.
Julie turned to her friend. "But he hurt you Cass. He's not going to get away with it."
"Don't worry
about it Julie, he's just drunk."
"That's no excuse! I'm calling the cops!"
"No Julie don't! For my sake pleeease!"
Julie glared at Steve. "Just this time Cass, and only for you."
Steve chuckled. "Never knew
you were such a spitfire Julie. Maybe after supper you can show me just how much of a spitfire you are."
Julie looked at him in disgust. "You make me want to vomit."
Later that night Julie and Cassandra were sitting
in the guest bedroom talking. "I can tell this wasn't the first time," Julie told Cassandra, "How long has this been going on?"
Cassandra looked extremely ashamed. "A couple of years."
"So when you slipped on the stairs 6 months ago
and broke your arm?"
"He pushed me."
"Oh my God Cassy, why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to worry you."
"I want you to come home with me tomorrow."
"I can't do that."
"Why not? Why can't you leave him?"
"Its really not as bad as it seems. He only gets angry when he's drunk."
"Has he hurt Johnny?"
"NO! He would never do that!"
Julie shook her head. "Its only a matter of time Cass. Mark my words, its only a matter of