"Franky sweety, do as mommy says and go to bed!"
Julie was starting to get frustrated with her situation. This was the third night back in her house. She was trying to put Franky to bed. Rose was wailing because she wanted changing.
"But I want to say good-night to daddy!"
"Daddy isn't here sweety. You'll just have to go to bed."
A fresh set of wails from Rose pierced the air. Julie carried her over to the changing table, gently laid her down, and got to work
changing the diaper.
"Can I wait up for himj?" Franky whined.
Julie had removed the diaper and was reaching for the wipes when the doorbell rang. Julie rolled her eyes. "Oh my God! Franky, daddy isn't coming home tonight.
Will you please go to bed?"
The doorbell rang again.
Franky folded his arms. A sour look marred his little face. When will he be coming home?"
She slipped a new diaper on Rose, who stopped crying and started making baby noises.
"I don't know sweetheart, I think he'll be gone for a very long time this time."
"But I want my daddy!"
"How about Aunty Cass?" Cassandra put in as she stepped into the doorway.
Franky cheered and ran into Cassandra's arms.
A black eye prominent on her face.
"Isn't it your bedtime little guy?"
"Can you read me a story Aunty Cassy?"
"Sure thing buddy. What do you want me to read about?"
She carried the excited little boy off toward his bedroom.
Julie finished dressing Rose, then carried her down to the kitchen to fix her a bottle. She reflected that whenever Cassandra was around, it was like having an extra set of hands.
She finished the bottle and was sitting down in the livingroom
to feed Rose when Cassandra joined her.
"Franky is just like Johnny," Cassandra laughed. "Always so eager to hear a bedtime story."
"Cassandra," Julie interrupted in a no-nonsense tone of voice.
"But what do you expect? Kids
will be kids."
"What?" she responded in an irritated tone of voice.
Julie just gave her a disapproving look.
"I was leaning over to grab the handle on the car door to get little Johnny out, when Johnny decided
to open it himself and caught me in the eye. It's nothing."
"You're lieing to me."
"It really is nothing."
"Come on Cass, we were born in the same hospital, almost on the same day. We've known each other all our lives.
I can tell when you are lieing to me."
"Don't worry you're pretty little head, I'll be fine. Are you ready to meet with your lawyer tomorrow?"
Julie sighed. "You'll watch the kids?"
"Any time Julie, you know I'm dependable."
The meeting with the lawyer was not as dreadful as Julie had expected. One thing it had done was make the divorce much too real. As she drove home, Julie realized just how easily she had gotten used to the lack of David's presence.
Of course who had time to worry about such things when you had two children to look after, one being a newborn. Julie winced. That last thought was like an arrow in the heart. Rose was now 7 days old...one whole week...and David had yet to
meet her. Then she thought about Franky last night, crying for his daddy. Tears came unbidden to her eyes. She would rather suffer a million broken hearts rather than see her sweet little Franky hurt like that. She did a silent prayer
of thanks that Rose was much too young to understand or remember her parents being together.
She pulled up to her house, hitting the remote for the garage door. Cassandra was standing in the front yard with Rose in her arms, the portable
bassinet sitting next to her. Franky and Johnny were playing in the sandbox.
"How were they?" Julie asked asked while she ducked under the closing garage door.
"They were perfect little angels. How did it go with the lawyer?"
"It went well, she expects I can get almost anything I want." Tears sprang suddenly into Julie's eyes.
"Sssh, it's okay sweety," Cassandra said giving her friend a lingering hug. "You know he's no good for you. You deserve
Julie sniffed loudly and began to settle down. "I know, it's just that my babies are suffering."
"I know honey, why don't you give him a call and demand he come meet his daughter."
Julie smiled and sniffed again. "I'll
give him hell!"
"You know you've wanted to."
"You know it!" Julie laughed, wiping her sleeve across her tearstained face.
"Franky, Johnny, time to come in!" Cassandra called as Julie walked into the house.
It took
the ladies longer than expected to get the boys fed and down for a nap, especially since Johnny decided it was more fun to paint his "Daddy's Little Boy" T-shirt with grape jelly rather than eat it. The ladies laughed about how he used the grape jelly
to give himself a new punk hairstyle as well. Of course Franky wanted a bath too since Johnny was getting one, and neither boy would consent to lay down till the other one could lay down too. During all this, baby Rose decided she wanted to play
instead of eat, or lay down for her nap.
By the time all the kids were fed, cleaned and napping, both ladies were exhausted. They both slumped down in chairs in the living room. Cassandra handed Julie the phone. Julie
took the phone reluctantly and let out a long deep sigh.
"It's now or never," Cassandra stated frankly.
"You're right."
Julie dialed David's cell number.
"What do you want Julie?" came the annoyed voice on the other end.
just wanted to know when you were going to come and meet your little girl."
"You now it's difficult."
"You're little boy is crying for you too."
"Julie, I'm staying away because I don't want to cause you any more pain than necessary."
"What about your children?"
"They will be okay. We'll set up visitation later."
"They are not okay David, Franky is having trouble sleeping."
"Alright," he sighed. "I will come tomorrow afternoon, is 2:00 alright?"
I'm sorry for twisting your arm! Yes, 2:00 should be fine."
"I'll be there!" He hung up before she could say any more.
She looked at Cassandra. "2:00 tomorrow."
"I'll be there," she responded in a determined tone of voice.
Cassandra left an hour and a half later, trailed by a whining Johnny. Julie smiled to herself about how Johnny and Franky seemed to be as good of friends as her and Cassandra. Then she thought about how their mothers were inseparable.
She remembered hearing something about their mothers meeting at 10 years old when Cassandra's mother moved in next door. Three generations of best friends. That must be some sort of record. Even more than that she remembered always thinking
of Cassandra's mom almost as a second mother.
After supper, Julie was playing hungry hippo with Franky in the living room. Baby Rose was sleeping peacefully in the bassinet. Little Franky laughed histerically as he grabbed
the little marbles with his hippo mouth. Julie couldn't help but laugh with him.
"Well little guy, it's about time for you to go to bed," she said in a cheerful voice.
"Aww mom do I have to?"
"Yes sweety, go get your jammies
on and I'll be in to read you a story after I lay little Rosey down."
Franky slumped his shoulders as he walked up the stairs.
Julie quickly laid the baby down and set up the baby monitor. She went to the bookshelf and picked out Franky's
favorite book and went to join her son.
After she finished the story, Franky laid smiling in his bed.
"When is daddy coming home?"he asked.
"He's going to come to see you tomorrow."
A puzzled expression crossed the little boy's
"Isn't he going to stay here?"
"No sweety, daddy moved away. He does love you very very much, and will come and see you every single time he can."
Franky had a troubled look on his face. "Why can't he live here with us?"
"Mommy and daddy found out that we would be happier if we lived in different houses, but remember sweety, we both still love you very much."
"And Rosey too?"
"Yes honey, and Rosey too."
Franky grinned contentedly and snuggled deeper
under the covers. Julie smiled lovingly and kissed him on the forehead.
"Good-night my sweet little Prince."
"Good-night mommy."
Julie crept quietly out of the room carrying the baby monitor with her. She sat down in the livingroom
to watch T.V. and started dozing.
She had no idea how much time had passed when the doorbell woke her up. She opened the door to find Cassandra standing on the other side. She was holding Johnny in her arms, his head snuggled against her
shoulder. Her face was white with rage. A look of pure anger and hatred burned across her features.
Stunned by her friends appearance, Julie took a step back.
"He didn't," she whispered softly.
"He did," Cassandra grated.