"I'm going to kill him!" Julie ranted as she paced back and forth in her living room like a caged tiger.
The ladies had cleaned Johnny up and put him to bed. Cassandra had made sure to take pictures of the belt marks across Johnny's
back, and handprint on his face. Apparently Steven was offended that Johnny tried to cover up the words "Daddy's Little Boy" on his T-shirt. He felt it disrespected him.
"He's just a child!"
Cassandra grimaced at her friend.
"I'm sorry Julie, you have enough issues of your own, I shouldn't have troubled you with this."
"Are you kidding me Cass? You are my second skin, what happens to you happens to me!"
"He's safe now though," Cassandra pointed out after a
Julie started toward the door, "I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine."
Cassandra darted in front of her, blocking her exit. "This is not the way Julie. He'll get his, but this is not the way to do it."
Julie starts to respond, but the words refuse to come out. She knew Cassandra was right, but her animalistic side was thirsting for revenge. How dare anyone hurt Johnny!
Cassandra watched the changing emotions play over her friend's face
as she struggled with herself and finally gave in. She put an arm around Julie and they walked upstairs together.
"Why did we have to marry such assholes?" Julie asked, downtrodden.
"Because they promised us the world."
"They lied."
"Hey," Cassandra stopped Julie in front of the door to the master bedroom, "it's hard to see now, but look at what they have given us. Between us we have three beautifly children, this big beautiful home. That's why I had put up with Steve for
so long, and I am guessing that is why you had put up with David."
Julie nodded. She couldn't help admit that Julie was right.
The next morning was full of caring for the children and planning. Julie called her lawyer
and set up a meeting for Cassandra. Rose rolled over for the first time, then figured out that the beige carpet was less exciting to look at then the colorful blanket and began to wail. Franky and Johnny decided it would be fun to build a demolition
derby arena using peanut butter and run their cars through it.
After a few stern words, lots of soap and water, and a little lunch, they were almost ready for David's visit. Julie was putting the prettiest little dress on Rose when an extremely
slurred "Cassandra!" was bellowed from the front yard. She glanced at the window as she straightened the dress, not able to see anything through the curtains.
She could hear Cassandra coming down the stairs. She
gently laid Rose in her bassinet and followed Cassandra to the window.
"Cassandra, why did you leave?"
The two ladies peered out the window.
"Do you like her better Cass?"
Steven ws stumbling around the front yard. He had
a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. He took a swig, spilling almost as much as he drank.
"You like your lesbian friend?"
The ladies looked at each other, the angry tension in the room was almost palpable. "Call the police," Cassandra
"He's a dead man to insult me that way!" Julie yelled.
"Lesby friends Cassy! Lesby friends!"
Julie stalked toward the front door. Cassandra grabbed her right after she had flung it open. Julie struggled trying
to get away from Cassandra.
Just then David pulled up and parked at the curb. Steven continued to stumble around, oblivious to the car.
Steven laughed. "Come on Julie, you little spitfire. You know I want a little taste.
Burn me baby!"
Julie balled her fists, renewing her struggle, but Cassandra held her fast.
David had gotten out of the car, closing the door quietly and stood on the sidewalk with his hands on his hips. Anger burning in his eyes.
laughe out loud, then took another swig of his bottle. "Can I watch next time? Maybe we could have a threesome...wouldn't that be a hoot?"
David took a step forward, but seemed to thing better of it. He balled his fists at his sides
but he seemed held in place by an unseen force.
"I could make you scream and call me daddy!"
David took three more steps, grabbed Steven by the shoulder, spun him around and punched him in the face.
Steven fell over, passed out in the
yard, the bottle rolled out of his hand spilling its contents in the grass. David looked down at Steven in disgust. "You ladies okay?"
Cassandra released Julie and they both walked outside. "We're fine," Cassandra replied.
what should we do with this trash?" Julie asked, nudging Steven with her foot.
David sighed. "I'll take Steve home and put him to bed. Next time you need to call the police!"
Julie hung her head, she knew he ws right, but she
had let her anger get the best of her. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.
David glared at her. "Dammit Julie, I may not want to be with you, but I still care."
He lifted Steve up to a standing position and leaned him against his shoulder.
He half dragged him to his car and put him in the passenger seat. He walked around the driver's side. "I'll be back later," he told the ladies before he got in and drove away.
A tiny wail eminated from inside. Julie went back into
the house followed by Cassandra.
A couple of hours later the boys were watching cartoons on the TV, Julie was feeding Rose and chit-chatting with Cassandra when the doorbell rang. Cassandra went to open it, with Julie hovering a
bit behind.
"Hi Cassy," David greeted her. She stepped aside and let him enter.
"So is he sleeping it off?"
"When I left him he was snoring loudly in his bed."
"He probably won't remember this tomorrow."
"Julie," David
started sternly, "why are you allowing this dog and pony show around my kids?"
"It wasn't around the kids, we kept it outside."
"You should have called the police."
He noticed Cassandra's black eye that was almost healed. He touched
her chin gently and brought her face up to get a better look. "Did he do that to you?"
Cassandra nodded quietly.
"Why are you allowing this danger around my kids?"
He turned to Cassandra. "You need to leave! Pack up your
son and go!"
"She is not going anywhere!"
"I will not have this danger under my roof!"
"YOU'RE ROOF!!! YOU'RE ROOF!!! You gave up this house when you stole all the furniture and shut off the power!!!"
"I don't want this
danger around my kids."
"She is my friend and needs my help. Between the two of us we can protect these children. Now go outside and cool down, and I'll consider letting you visit with your children."
David looked at the two women
sheepishly, he new it was no use to continue, so he turned around and walked out the door.