What is going on today

My sweetie is still sick as a dog, but he did go back to work. That poor dear seemed to come back sicker than when he left. I have started on headaches, the slightest congestion and a touch of sore throat. He thinks I'm going to be down and out. I think it's psychosomatic. Either that or i'll get a little sniffles for a while then it will go away. He said he will be grateful if that is all it winds up being.   He keeps on apologizing because he is sure he has gotten me sick. He is so sweet. 

He survived another day. That man truly does bring out the best in me.I have been babying him big time and even in his weakened condition is still trying to baby me.  I jokingly told him that he could be on his death bed and he will still say,"Don't worry I'll get that for you. "  I just hope I won't come down with what he's got.  He keeps apologizing because he's sure I will and doesn't want me to. At the very least until he is well enough to take care of me.  He truly is a real doll.

My poor sweetheart is still sick. He adores the chicken soup I made for him. He still has a tendency to buy those pre-packaged foods though. He is welcome to them, but my goal is to make him realize that homemade is so much better. I have become so picky in the last couple of years. I like my cooking better than fast food or frozen meals. Even sick my sweetie has been extremely solicitous. The compliments just keep on coming like they are natural and unbidden to the tongue. I think this man will be in my life a long long time. 

Today my sweetie was sick. What is it about the toughest guys and the manliest men that they become the biggest babies when it comes to sickness and weather? This morning he was belly-aching about the onset of winter when all we had was a cold fall rain. I asked him when he got into the car if he was sure he wanted to winter here instead of going back to Michigan. His response was that of course he wants to winter here, he doesn't want to take a chance of losing the best thing he ever had. Strange peoples, almost makes me believe that I am not just an average everyday person. If I weren't, you would think I would have had more lucky breaks than painful ones in my life. 

Today we went back to domesticity after a weekend of fun to welcome my sweetie back. Its kind of funny, before we left we still had some of those moments of awkwardness that are unavoidable when getting to know each othger. After he came back all of that seemed to disappear. It is kind of like we decided to quit playing games and just enjoy each other's company.   

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!