What is going on today

The other day when I was hanging out with Shawn he asked me what I liked least about my apartment.  I told him it was my couch.  When I woke up yesterday morning wondering what I was going to do all day, I thought about that conversation and I started making excuses:  I don't have a pickup, couches are too expensive, how would I get rid of the old one.  Then I thought, well I am working on improving myself and my situation, why don't I start with my couch.  So I texted my father-in-law and asked him if he would help me get rid of my current couch, even if I didn't find a new one.  He said that he would.  Then I decided to go to the local rent-a-center and see if I could rent to own one for a reasonable monthly price.  That got hijacked because none of them were open on Sunday.  Then I thought to myself, "Well I could bring the girls tomorrow.  They would love helping me pick out a couch."  That is what we did tonight.  We  found the most heavenly couch for only 57.00/month.  They wanted to sell me the love seat too, but frankly, I don't have the room, and I wanted to keep the cost down.  I know that in the end I will end up paying about double what the couch is worth, but it is worth it because I really do need one now, and there is no way I could drop 550.00 in one sitting.  I know I could have gone to a thrift store, but I don't have a truck and the rent-a-center delivers.  I try to ask as little of my father-in-law as I can because the whole situation is just awkward.  I love my in-laws to death, too bad things turned out the way they did.

Today is the last day of my incredibly eventful 10 day weekend.  Its been a quiet day, the only people I have seen or spoken to today were the attendants at the movie theater.  I started my day with a plan, I was going to go couch hunting.  My couch is really a futon and it is in incredibly rough shape.  I looked up the local rent-a-centers and found out that both of them are closed on Sunday.  Oh well I will go tomorrow, then the girls can help me pick a couch.


Seeing that that was a bust, I went to a movie by myself.  I watched Non-Stop starring Liam Nissan.  Good thing I went to the cheap seats because the only part of the movie I really liked was the last half hour.  The rest of the movie had Liam Nissan running around like a crazed lunatic frightening his fellow passengers on the flight.  Oh well.


It has been a very relaxing day.  Tomorrow I get to go back on the phones.  I love my job but I have loved my time off....maybe a little too much.

Day 9 of my 10 day weekend.  Today was my baby's 7th birthday party.  Well she had a party with her dad on her actual birthday (July 9th) and she wouldn't believe me when I told her she was turning 8 because she had an extra birthday.  Well we had a lot of fun.  I took a few pictures that I have posted on a new page I created called Katelin's 7th birthday party.  We goofed around a while and then played Zombie Munchkin where we told the story of every fight.  Dante caught Katelin's winning fight story on video tape which was really really funny.  I will link it to this page once he links the video to facebook.  So we had a lot of fun.

Day 8 of my 10 day weekend.  It is starting to wind down to the last couple of days.  I have come up with a solution to my conundrum with my feelings sneaking up on me.  Instead of putting them on a back burner and letting them simmer, I am going to embrace them and make them my own.  If I can embrace them, I can redirect them, make them change form.  As long as Shawn and I both understand where the other one stands and that we know the other one understands where we stand we should be alright.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!