What is going on today

Yaaay myt little Katelin has learned to ride her bike.  My girls are growing up so fast.  I just feel like I am missing out on half their life because they aren't with me all the time.  I miss that simple life I used to have where I didn't have to worry about drama.  I didn't have to worry about everyone's intentions who became my friend.  What is it about a divorce which brings out the scum of the earth?  I have enough trouble balancing the budget, the home, the kids and the work without having to worry if this friendly smile is hiding deceit.  That last entry I made was very hard for me to admit.  I kept making excuses even to myself.  Now that it is widely known (or narrowly seeing as I only have a handful of readers) that I have few friends I wonder if I am going to wind up a social pariah.  "That woman is desperate"  That is when I throw back my shoulders lift my chin and say I am fine.  My family will supply my social needs, at least they won't stab me in the back.


I just hope that I can work things out with Shawn so we can both relax into a friendship.  I told him that I was going to either settle for friendship or hit the road.  If I can't handle it there is no need to make a mess of things.  The good news is I can handle it and I am determined to handle it.  Settling for friendship doesn't make the attraction go away, it just makes the pressure go away.  He shouldn't have to worry about it, I will keep an eye on my emotional side and we can just worry about laughing and joking and visiting Vas!!!!!

Yes Vas I can't wait to visit you, I miss you sooo much.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!