What is going on today

Sorry, i didn't write during the weekend, but i was so busy....well not totally.... I guess i didn't grab the time to write when I had it, so instead I cram it in here before work.  Wow that is the same with shopping, Since i don't have the girls tonight, I plan on doing it tonight.  I had a wonderful time with the girls though.  Lexy and I had burger time (at her request)  then we went to see Rio 2 which was a pretty good movie.  Katelin and I spent the day playing munchkin withgrandma Wendy.  Then Sunday my family came here to play.  I kicked their ass with the crazy song card where I was forced to sing "munchkin Cthulu" to the tune of "Waltzing mathilda"


I also feel like I should give the other issue its due.  You see my emotional side is like a tazmanian devil, it yells and screams and makes its point and then falls asleep.  Meaning that it wants its drama time and wants to be heard  then its satisfied and allows whaterver to happen. My biggest problem is that as it is being heard is when it tends to chase away friends.  Right now I don't understand why Shawn was such a big deal.  I can see now that he doesn't have the time or maybe doesn't desire to put the time in that a relationship would need.  So I am perfectly happy just being friends.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!