What is going on today

Wow, I have just proven to myself just how lazy I have become.  I have been for the last quite a while making my blog postings from my cell phone, which does half the typing for you.  It remembers for you how to spell.  It capitalizes things for you and even makes minor corrections.  Tonight I am blogging off of my desktop computer, which makes me actually have to think and spell and make my own corrections. 

I had a really fun time tonight.  My mom, brothers Angel, Lexy and I went to see despicable me 2.  It was hilarious.  Katelin didn't come along because it is on one of the splitting weekends.  We will have to find something equally special and fun to do with Katelin tomorrow.  Lexy was actually claiming herself as Angel's kid today.  He has certainly integrated himself into my family in a very short time.  We haven't even been together 3 months yet, that is kind of the scariest thing about it.


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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!