What is going on today

I had an interesting evening.  My sweetie isn't back yet.  He got delayed in South Dakota and should be back tomorrow. Also Leon has the week off and wanted extra time with the girls, so no girls tonight either.   So I had a quiet evening alone doing mostly cleaning. Then my dad called. He called me to tell me that he couldn't visit this month. I never knew he planned to visit in the first place. This coming from the guy who, after I dragged two little girls10 hours, spent most of the time ignoring and avoiding them. He felt a party was more important than spending time with them at a park with rides.  He did of course make sure to get his glamour shots with them first at the petting zoo and on a couple of rides before he abandoned us.  He is very good at abandoning kids. From birth till he came back at 18, he only visited once when I was 8.  Sorry I am a bit bitter. He promised he would call once a month. I say more power to him. I usually spend most of my time pretending he doesn't exist. Between him and my step dad I have had such good luck with dads.  I personally don't need a dad, but I don't want to deprive the girls of their grandpa if he decides to make an effort.  The ball is definitely in his court. 

Vas 09.10.2013 22:22

I am calling you tonight. It sounds like you need a friendly ear.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!