What is going on today

Today was a typical Saturday.   Dinner at mom's, and a movie.   Mom cooked turkey roll.  I brought my frozen root beer float pie.  We watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.   I thought I had seen that movie but I hadn't.   Lexy put up an awful fuss, but she did wind up enjoying it.  I found my mind wandering to my sweetie, wishing he was there with us.  This is the first dinner with my mother he has missed since we have been together.  That is another thing I love about him, is that he does like my family.  I am finding that there are things that are truly important that I hadn't thought of as being important before.  Angel told me that he would make it so I would hold others to a higher standard.  In one short month, he has done just that. He has truly shown me what can be expected of a guy.  I hope I can show him the freedom one can have and still be true and respectful within the relationship.  I think we both have a lot to learn and to teach each other. 

Vas 06.10.2013 15:27

He will be home soon. Nice talking to you last night.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!