What is going on today

Last night was a full night. Took my mom and brothers shopping, came home, made 2 root beer float pies.  Fell asleep watching Dr. Who.  I have been thinking how my life has been panning out lately. January and February were my hell.  March and April and May were my escape and regroup. June and July were my adventure.  August was my settling down and strengthening.  September was my dream.  So what will October bring me? My birthday is coming. I wanted it to be a special birthday, not ignored by others like the past few have been.  Leon was never very good at celebrations.  My last mother's day was almost non-existent. Of course we were separated, but still, it shows a lack of thankfulness for the girls.  Truth be told, the last 10 mothers days have been non-existent.  When we were young we made a lot of the couple of holidays we did celebrate.   Then when I was with Leon, I ran into nothing but apathy.  I swear, from now on I want every opportunity to celebrate to be taken advantage of. I want the rest of my life to be a happy adventure. 

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!