What is going on today

Well I sent my lil girl with her dad this morning wearing the first chainmail neckless I have made in about 10 years.  She was tickled pink.  I am tickled pink to be making jewelry again.  I have to take it easy on my hands, but nothing good comes completely painless.  I have been getting deeper and deeper into the atheist debates....yet I consider myself agnostic.  The only thing holding me back from declaring atheism, is that I haven't completely given up on the wiccan belief system.  I want to sit in a good circle and see if I still believe.  Something tells me however, that even if I have a question in my mind, I already know the answer.  It is hard for me to believe in any gods.  I guess, that is not a step I am prepared to take, but I am very close.

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!