What is going on today

My brother made a facebook announcement today.  He said that he has finally come to the decision that there is no way that the christian god could exist.  I of course agree with him 100%.  I don't know what to say right now.  My train of thought keeps getting interrupted by the Wanderer.  I guess he'll be my subject of conversation for a while.   If I am going to be perfectly honest I am split on him.  My emotional side feels that there is a reason he came into my life a third time after 20 years.  It kind of takes the old saying, "If you love somebody set them free..." to an extreme.  Also with most ex's there is a reason they are an ex.  The reason he was an ex was more academic than emotional.  He lived in WI, I was at school in MN, and he had a couple of emotional crises that were very difficult for him to deal with.  He didn't have the energy to put into a relationship....especially one that was long distance.  My logical side says that he doesn't want a relationship because he is a truck driver and is never around enough.  For that reason he doesn't want to date anyone.  My labido says......well I'll let your imagination figure that one out.  So its 2 against one, but the one is a very big one.  Also my logical side is also wondering if this is not another wish to be accepted after the ultimate rejection of the divorce.

Dante Ineichen 31.07.2013 06:20

Thanks for the shout out sis. ♥ ya

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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!