What can I say I am in a good mood again today! I get paid tomorrow and i am going to be rich woohoo!!! Tomorrow's check is going to be what I had thought it would have been last time. Imagine my surprise when I looked it up earlier
today. What to do with the excess? There is no such thing as excess for me. Hopefully I can add to the divorce fund. I told the Christian he was paying for the divorce because if I had had a say in the matter we wouldn't be divorcing.
Then he bounced the check for the filing fee. Grrrrrrrr. Now I just want this thing to be done and over with. Cut that fucker loose. But all he can do is moan and complain about finances. He reminds me of the customers I
have who are bouncing their account and blaming the bank. How many more excuses is he going to make? Well I told him I'd contribute money to it whenever I had a chance. I figure the more I contribute the sooner it will be official.
Then he can go off and marry his BSB. She is welcome to him. Just keep your face out of mine. Don't misconstrue that statement for forgiving her because that is NEVER going to happen.