What is going on today

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Today was miserable. Not for lack of trying. Don't ever get sick on your birthday. No matter what you do it won't be happy. On top of it  all my darling Angel needed to fix his sister-in-law's car and needed a ride to do it. So I couldn't get any proper rest.  I am not angry at him for it because that is part of the reason why I love him is his constant desire to help people. He even bought me an ice cream cake and a necklace for my birthday. 

My sweetie is so cute. I am sick. He wants to take care of me, but he is not quite as industrious as I am.  I fell asleep, and the next thing I know is that he is offering me chocolate chip cookies.  He said he knew it wasn't healthy for me but he felt it would make me feel better.   He is such a doll, I love him.   He wants me to go to the hospital because he thinks I have what he had.   I think his was complicated by his COPD.  I think mine is because I got the flu shot on Friday and my body decided that it was a friend come to visit instead of a virus to kick out the door. I only have blocked sinuses, no fever. ..none of the other symptoms. I love him for caring about me.

Today has been a little rough.  I think my sweetie is getting cranky from his cutback in cigarettes. He is now trying to quit smoking. I told him I would try to quit with him. He got an ecigarrette today to help him with the process. One thing I didn't mention is that while he was in the hospital he was diagnosed with COPD.  So to lengthen his life, he will have to quit. He still looks out for me, but I can definitely tell he is craving it. 

My birthday is coming up on Monday. I tried to tell Angel that in light of what just occurred (his hospital stay) that my  birthday was not as important. He would hear nothing of It. He is still trying to spoil me rotten. 

My sweetie came home! My sweetie came home! Happy dance my sweetie is home!  He says he wants to go straight back to work today even though the doctor told him to take a week off.   I am worried about him and he won't listen to any different. He starts going on and on saying he is not a freeloader. I told him to at least take it easy and he promised he would. I think he was just telling me what I wanted to hear. 



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01.05 | 08:35

04.12 | 04:35


17.11 | 20:34

Thanks Gwen :)

16.11 | 05:14

Good luck!